All you need to know about RMC – Ready Mix Concrete
A lot goes behind building a lovely home. Right from high quality construction material to the beautiful décor pieces, a house becomes a home slowly and steadily. That’s why when it comes to your dream house, you should never compromise. A house is a huge investment and you must make sure that you invest rightly in the materials too. Out of all the materials used in building the house, concrete remains one of the most crucial aspects of building materials. Nowadays, buildings are not made with just cement. It is taken over by RMC- Ready Mix Concrete. Let’s understand what RMC is and why it is the most preferred choice of builders worldwide.
Ready mix concrete (RMC) is a type of concrete that is a mixture of Portland cement, water, fine sand, and coarse gravel. It is manufactured in a cement factory or batched plants in specific proportions and is transported in a transit-mixer to the construction sites. RMC is made in a plant instead of a job site. RMC is eco-friendly compared to site mixed concrete because the mixing of elements is done at a closed site and not out in the open at the job site. This reduces air and noise pollution.
Ready Mix Concrete come in 3 types.
RMC Truck
Transit Mixed Concrete
Also known as Truck Mixed Concrete, transit mixed concrete is mixed in the transit truck on the way to the construction site. Transit-mixing separates water from cement and gravel and once it reaches the job site, it is mixed in the transit mixer and used instantly. This method of concrete mixing prevents formation of lumps in the mixture and hardening of the concrete, thus reducing the chances of delay. The disadvantage of this technique is that the quantity that could be delivered in one go is lesser than other types of concrete.
RMC Concrete
Shrink Mixed Concrete
Unlike transit mixed concrete, shrink mixed concrete is partially mixed at the plant before transportation. However, just like transit mixed concrete, shrink mixed concrete is fully mixed only once it reaches the job site. The advantage of shrink mixed concrete is that it allows more quantity of concrete to be transported in one go.
SCC Concrete Plant
Central Mixed Concrete
Central mixed plants are also referred to as wet batch plants. Central mixed concrete is batched and completely mixed at the plant site before transporting it to the job site. The advantage of central mixed concrete is that it reduces wear and tear on the truck mixer drums and provides higher production capability.
There are numerous advantages of using Ready Mix Concrete over other traditional building materials.
RMC can be easily moulded into different shapes and sizes, according to the requirement. Whether you want to make a sculpture, a pillar or a driveway, RMC is highly flexible to adopt any shape. You can also change the colour, porosity, and curing time of the concrete by adding certain chemicals and admixtures to the RMC.
RMC is highly durable. It is super resistant against damages from fire, wind, rain, and deadly explosions. Its durability eliminates the need for additional sealants and chemicals to repel insects and moisture. RMC can also withstand high temperatures, thus making it a perfect choice for Indian houses.
RMC is affordable compared to other building counterparts like bricks. It is also super easy to apply and hence it gives a uniform finish as opposed to brick structures. Bricks also take a lot of time, energy, and funds to transport and deliver.
Use of advanced equipment guarantees better quality concrete and higher consistency in the finish. Wastage of raw materials is also reduced to a huge extent.
There’s no need to store construction materials at the site, thus putting an end to unhygienic premises. Air and noise pollution is also drastically reduced at the site because all the mixing and batching is done at the plant site.
Labour cost is substantially decreased because the production of concrete at the site is eliminated.
There are no unnecessary or unforeseen delays in the completion of huge projects like the building of dams, statues, bridges, tunnels, and so on. It also reduces the time required to finish any project because there are no delays in accumulating raw materials or managing a lot of manpower.
It is highly environment friendly and enables safe work practices.
These advantages are just the start when we talk about the long term benefits of using RMC over any traditional building materials. However, there are a few things that one should keep in mind before opting for RMC in their building projects.
The purpose of using RMC is the first thing that you need to tell your supplier. Some constructions require a slower setting mixture of RMC while some constructions require a fast setting RMC, depending on the project. If you explain to your supplier your need beforehand, he can deliver a specific mix that is customised to your requirement. Also, the quantity of RMC to be ordered should not exceed your requirement.
Ordering a lot can lead to wastage and pollution and ordering less can lead to delays in the completion of the project. Order at least 10% more than your original requirement to avoid last-minute hassles. RMC should be used within 210 minutes of mixing it. If there are any delays while transporting mixed RMC, it can lead to lumps and hardening of the mixture, thus wasting an entire batch and all the efforts that went behind it.
Ensure that mixing trucks are not travelling during peak hours from high traffic areas. Always ensure that your supplier is providing you with the highest quality RMC. You can take a quality assurance test to check the durability and strength of your RMC mixture.
RMC Pricing:
Different quality RMC has different price. The Price of RMC starts from Rs. 4000 per cubic meter (M25) to Rs. 6500 per cubic meter (M7.5). Always choose a good branded RMC for better results.
Getting the perfect RMC for your projects is really important to ensure that your dream house stays on for years to come.
If you are looking for your perfect match in a perfect batch, contact us at the SCC Group and we will happily help you out with an excellent batch of RMC from our huge variety of RMC mixtures.