SCC RMC – Preferred Choice of Engineers for Stronger Buildings !!
Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) is one of the high demand products manufactured by SCC Group.
Product Range:
SCC Group offers a wide range of Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) to suit diverse requirements of Construction Industry.

Superior Ready Mix Concrete Products

Lifecreta is a special type of high performance and high quality sustainable concrete designed to ensure the durability of structure, it offers a resistance to chloride and sulphates and reduced the micro cracks, which will improve the structural durability compared to normal concrete.
✦ Sustainable and excellent durable
✦ Increased the resistance to chloride ion penetration, and sulphates.
✦ Improve the resistance to aggressive environments
✦ Reduced the shrinkages
✦ Continuous strength gain to later ages.
✦ Foundations, Massive rafts
✦ Coastal areas Intermittent slabs
✦ Piles & Pile caps, retaining walls & columns, parking areas

Fibrecreta is an enhanced crack-resistant and high flexural
strength concrete produced by using different types of fibre like
steel, glass & synthetic fibre. It helps in controlling minor shrinkage
cracks in green stage, and substantially improve the static dynamic
properties like flexural, impact and tensile strength.
✦ Increased the homogeneity & Cohesiveness of concrete
✦ Improve the crack resistance.
✦ Fire resistance and impact resistance
✦ Increased the durability as it improves toughness, flexure, fatigue and
abrasion resistance.
✦ Concrete elements that required crack resistance like RCC slabs, thin RCC elements (precast, cast-in-situ) WTP roads.
✦ Elements that required additional flexural strength
like, concrete roads, beams and girders
✦ Wearing surfaces like heavy traffic and load such as warehouse, industrial floors, container yards, railway platforms.

Agilcreta is a special concrete characterized by the flow freely
irrespective of dense reinforcement& complexity of structure. It can
easily spread and fill every knook and corner of formwork by its
unique property and required no compaction.
✦ Superior surface finish, No honeycomb, and free from voids.
✦ Better mould ability and greater freedom for designer to
design complex structure.
✦ Faster construction leads early completion of project.
✦ Lower manpower requirements
✦ RCC Beam & column junction provided with heavy reinforcement.
✦ RCC member with intricate and complicated shape.
✦ Repair and rehabilitation work involving column jacketing.
✦ Precast RCC Elements& thin RCC section
✦ Footings & Pile foundations

Hydroseal is an innovative waterproofing solution that alters
concrete to fully watertight. It is produced by introducing specially
formulated admixture into concrete that causes catalytic reaction in
presence of moisture and by-products of cement hydration to
generate a non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores
and capillary tracts of the concrete.
✦ It is become a integral part of substract, increases service life of
concrete structures.
✦ Reduction in seepage & dampness
✦ Effective about hydrostatic pressure
✦ Reduces the risk of reinforcement corrosion
✦ Self-healing property of cracks up to 0.4mm
✦ Concrete elements that required crack resistance like RCC slabs, thin RCC elements (precast, cast-in-situ) WTP
✦ Elements that required additional flexural strength
like, concrete roads, beams and girders
✦ Wearing surfaces like heavy traffic and load such as warehouse, industrial floors, container yards, railway platforms.

Colourcreta is an unique variety of concrete, that provides a liberty to
architects to explore their vision and bring variety of various elements of a buildings. The concrete is coloured, textured and imprinted available at different shades, its resembles natural material like paver block, stone & wood.
✦ Monolithic concrete prevents weed growth
✦ Easy and fast construction
✦ Lower maintenance cost
✦ Assortment of excellent visual effect
✦ Pedestrian walk ways, footpaths and cycle tracks
✦ Walkways in garden and entertainment parks
✦ Artistic precast panels and products.

Elitecreta is a special concrete having density 500-1800kg/m3, which is 50-70% lesser than normal concrete. It is best suitable for nonload bearing structures of construction such as roofs, architectural facing works and levelling course without adding to dead weight. It has excellent heat and sound insulation along with better fire resistance.
✦ Helps to reduce the dead load of structure, leads to optimize the
design cost
✦ Better thermal, sound insulation and fire resistance
✦ Excellent workability, can be place any desired shape
✦ Faster construction
✦ Excellent durability
✦ Reduce the risk of shrinkage cracks
✦ Cold storage plants.
✦ Roofs for residential and industrial buildings
✦ Precast blocks for non-load bearing partition walls
✦ Lightweight filler material
✦ Architectural works

Porouscreta is a special category of modified concrete that permits water and storm water percolate through it and aid long term ground water table increases.
✦ Lower the structural load
✦ Replenishes ground water table
✦ Rainwater harvesting
✦ Effective filter & easy drainage of water
✦ Green points for green building
✦ Cold storage plants.
✦ Roofs for residential and industrial buildings
✦ Precast blocks for non-load bearing partition walls
✦ Lightweight filler material
✦ Architectural works

Rapidcreta is a specially designed to achieve high-early strength. This
variety of concrete has self-levelling features. It aids to structure to early removal of formwork without hindering quality.
✦ Early stripping time, helps speedy construction
✦ Superior finish guaranteed compressive strength
✦ Easy placibility
✦ Early completion of project, it saves resources & time.
✦ Greater immunity against environmental attacks
✦ Precast applications and prestressed concrete elements
✦ Runway road repairs
✦ Cement concrete road rehabilitation and repairs
✦ Industrial floor
✦ Bridge decks & high raise columns

Coolcreta is designed to reduce the elevation of concrete temperature due to high heat of hydration, thus reducing the thermal stress due to temperature variation in mass concrete. It produced by adding ice flakes or chilled water and Supplementary cementitious materials to concrete.
✦ Reduces the plastic shrinkage cracks, thermal cracks and cold joints
✦ Offers better workability & durability
✦ Better compressive strength at later ages
✦ Excellent permeability resistance
✦ Massive concrete works like dams, spillways etc.
✦ Mass concrete raft foundations
✦ Marine concrete structures
✦ Machine foundations and large size pile caps
✦ Bridge piers, girders and retaining walls.
Manufacturing, Transportation & Delivery…
How we do it all !!
The raw materials used for Ready Mix Concrete viz. cement, sand, coarse / fine aggregates, admixtures and water are mixed at a centrally located computer controlled batching plant that monitors weigh-batching, water-cement ratio, dosage of admixture, moisture content, etc. with precision to produce the Ready Mix Concrete.
The plant is capable of programming multiple types of mixes for producing different grades of concrete both automatically and manually.
Ready Mix Concrete is then transported to the site in transit mixers, in plastic condition, without affecting the composition. Transit mixers are trucks fitted with rotating drums for carrying Ready Mix Concrete. The capacity of the transit mixer is 7m3 and SCC Group has more than 50 such mixers.
At the construction site, the Ready Mix Concrete is placed by pumping with concrete pumps which can pump up to 300 m horizontally and 70 m vertically (i.e up to 20 floors), and @ 35 Cum/Hr of concrete. Due to this, we can deliver Ready Mix Concrete to places which are otherwise difficult, time consuming and expensive to deliver.